Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Just finished reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon in a record 3 hours. A birthday present from Jerry! (thanks man, I love it!)

Nice book! You breeze through it really fast (3hours is fast for me k) And that A level maths question! Think i've encountered it before, and that guy is really a genius to have solved it, heh, in my opinion.

But most of all, it made me think of Joshie. (see archives 18th April). I've not seen him since that day, though I do think about him from time to time.

In case you're wondering, Josh is 8, and autistic. Only met him once, but I think I love him. Hope he still has that Hamtaro thing I got him from Macdonald's, because other than that, he probably has no recollection of me.

Hope that you have had many 5 red car days since I last saw you.

To mandy: You are SO right you know? Thanks for putting things into perspective! I feel like the last post was crap and I have half a mind to delete it.

To jiaquan: Thanks for your honest and very encouraging comments! Really felt a tear come to my eye. =~) You still one of the sweetest people I know, fellow ISFP buddy! Haha, and to answer your question; I'm going into NUS life science in a few days. How's playing with fireworks working out for you? Will be thinking about you when I see them at this years NDP! LOL


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